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Words that Rhyme with metcalfe bean
1 syllable
- bein
- bien
- bouin
- chine
- clean
- deen
- diene
- gene
- glean
- jean
- keen
- lien
- mean
- mesne
- mien
- nene
- preen
- puisne
- queen
- reen
- scene
- screen
- seen
- sheen
- skeen
- skene
- sphene
- spleen
- teen
- treen
- tween
- wean
- gean
- haen
- phene
- plene
- quean
- spean
- triene
- wheen
- -cene
- -gene
- -tene
- -xene
- ctene
- dean
- deane
- drean
- dreen
- green
- greene
- grien
- kean
- keene
- khene
- lean
- leine
- peene
- phen-
- skean
- skeane
- stean
- steen
- sthene
- streen
- tsine
- wien
2 syllables
- agin
- alkene
- allene
- ameen
- amin
- amine
- arene
- athene
- baleen
- beeline
- benzene
- between
- bromine
- butene
- caffeine
- canteen
- careen
- casein
- citrine
- colleen
- convene
- corinne
- cuisine
- cumene
- demean
- dextrine
- eighteen
- ethene
- fifteen
- fluorine
- foreseen
- fourteen
- glycine
- graphene
- guanine
- hygiene
- irene
- ismene
- ketene
- latrine
- machine
- marine
- murine
- nineteen
- obscene
- onscreen
- pauline
- petrine
- phosphine
- pinene
- protein
- purine
- ravine
- routine
- saline
- sardine
- selene
- serene
- shaheen
- silene
- sistine
- sixteen
- slovene
- soybean
- stanchion
- styrene
- sunscreen
- thirteen
- transgene
- trephine
- unclean
- undine
- unseen
- vaccine
- windscreen
- xylene
- alcmene
- ammine
- atween
- azine
- berean
- camphene
- cymene
- fenthion
- gamin
- hellene
- indene
- lateen
- medin
- methine
- moreen
- myrcene
- naphthene
- octene
- offscreen
- pasquin
- pentene
- preteen
- pteridine
- sateen
- shagreen
- stanine
- touchscreen
- tutin
- umpteen
- -acene
- -voltine
- -ylene
- abrin
- adren-
- agene
- alpeen
- amene
- anthine
- apiin
- asthen-
- backstein
- banthine
- bardeen
- bawneen
- bescreen
- beseen
- big-screen
- boneen
- boreen
- buccin
- buckbean
- burkean
- cairene
- camphine
- caprin
- carene
- carvene
- chequeen
- citrene
- cliff-green
- coen-
- conyrine
- copaene
- cornein
- cortine
- costeen
- coteen
- cotquean
- cotrine
- coween
- crimean
- crithmene
- croceine
- cruiskeen
- cuckquean
- cuprene
- cut-scene
- cuthean
- cutscene
- cyclene
- cyrene
- damine
- dasheen
- dauphine
- degreen
- dequeen
- disthene
- doline
- doodeen
- doodheen
- doucine
- draisine
- drisheen
- dry-clean
- ectene
- ektene
- empeine
- epstein
- ethine
- eugene
- euryene
- feifteen
- flat-screen
- forcene
- forpine
- fulvene
- g-protein
- gardeen
- glaucine
- goethean
- gold-green
- gumphion
- gyrene
- hand-screen
- helxine
- heptene
- himene
- hoar-green
- hog's-bean
- holstein
- horsebean
- houseclean
- humean
- hygrine
- hyphaene
- ill-seen
- jackeen
- killeen
- kippeen
- kuchean
- l-theanine
- lachine
- leptene
- levine
- lime-green
- lockean
- lophine
- lutrine
- man-keen
- maneen
- maumene
- methene
- moline
- murrhine
- myrrhine
- na-dene
- narceine
- neurine
- nongreen
- nunchion
- nundine
- off-screen
- on-screen
- orpine
- ossein
- outseen
- pahouin
- pamine
- pangene
- pebrine
- philine
- phocine
- phosphene
- picein
- pinkeen
- pontine
- poshteen
- posteen
- postteen
- poteen
- potheen
- potteen
- poutine
- pre-screen
- pregnene
- prescreen
- psocine
- puelchean
- rabin
- rachion
- racine
- ramean
- rate-gene
- ratteen
- re-green
- re-seen
- reclean
- regreen
- requeen
- rescreen
- reseen
- retene
- rubrene
- ruthene
- s-protein
- sabine
- sagene
- sakeen
- saltine
- salween
- santene
- script-scene
- selen-
- sengreen
- sightseen
- silk-screen
- smaltine
- soutine
- sovprene
- spalpeen
- span-clean
- spring-clean
- springsteen
- stibine
- sturine
- subteen
- tartine
- temene
- thomean
- thraneen
- thujene
- tigrean
- tineine
- traneen
- trichion
- tropeine
- tyrrhene
- unqueen
- unscreen
- urheen
- urhheen
- venene
- vice-queen
- vitrine
- voteen
- wet-clean
- wide-screen
- yestreen
- zoquean
3 syllables
- acrolein
- adenine
- alkylene
- aniline
- anthracene
- aquiline
- asphaltene
- atlantean
- atrazine
- butadiene
- butylene
- caesarean
- carnitine
- carotene
- clomiphene
- clonidine
- contravene
- damascene
- diamine
- dopamine
- eocene
- eserine
- ethylene
- evergreen
- ferrocene
- figurine
- fullerene
- gabardine
- gasolene
- gasoline
- gelatine
- ghibelline
- guanidine
- guanosine
- guillotine
- halloween
- histamine
- histidine
- holocene
- hyaline
- hydrazine
- hypersthene
- inosine
- intervene
- isoprene
- kerosene
- ketamine
- kinesin
- lacustrine
- leukotriene
- libertine
- limonene
- limousine
- lycopene
- magazine
- magdalene
- melamine
- mescaline
- methylene
- mezzanine
- miocene
- naphthalene
- nazarene
- nectarine
- neogene
- neoprene
- nicotine
- nonmarine
- nonprotein
- nonroutine
- olivine
- oncogene
- opaline
- ornithine
- overseen
- palanquin
- peregrine
- pethidine
- phenanthrene
- phenylene
- philistine
- piperazine
- plasticine
- pleistocene
- pliocene
- polyene
- promethean
- propylene
- protamine
- quarantine
- quinidine
- reconvene
- rhodamine
- sanidine
- seventeen
- simazine
- spermidine
- spodumene
- submarine
- subroutine
- supergene
- supervene
- tambourine
- therebetween
- thiophene
- thorazine
- thymidine
- tourmaline
- toxaphene
- trampoline
- transferrin
- tryptamine
- unforeseen
- uridine
- vaseline
- velveteen
- wintergreen
- wolverine
- amidine
- amylene
- azomethine
- benzedrine
- benzpyrene
- carboline
- cardamine
- carmustine
- carnosine
- chalazion
- chloroprene
- cinchonine
- compazine
- cotinine
- cystamine
- dahomean
- dexedrine
- dipentene
- diplotene
- dramamine
- ecumene
- epicene
- etorphine
- fellaheen
- flavoprotein
- gallamine
- grenadine
- guanfacine
- hypogene
- indigene
- indocin
- isoline
- mandoline
- mangosteen
- margravine
- mazarine
- melpomene
- methoprene
- multigene
- nalorphine
- narcotine
- neocene
- pachytene
- palustrine
- parylene
- pemoline
- pergamene
- perylene
- phenazine
- polytene
- promazine
- properdin
- pyrazine
- seraphin
- solanine
- stelazine
- strophanthin
- subhyaline
- synephrine
- tartrazine
- tolidine
- transmarine
- veratrine
- vinylene
- vomerine
- wangensteen
- xylazine
- aberdeen
- abilene
- abrotine
- absinthine
- aconine
- adamine
- aeoline
- ajmaline
- aleppine
- algerine
- alkadiene
- allopreen
- allylene
- alypine
- ambrosin
- amphigene
- amphitene
- annulene
- anserine
- anthrylene
- anti-green
- apennine
- aporphine
- apyrene
- argentine
- arrasene
- arylene
- atragene
- augustine
- avenin
- avourneen
- azurean
- balanchine
- ballotine
- balsamine
- baragouin
- barbotine
- beaverteen
- bengaline
- berbamine
- bergaptene
- bicanine
- bioclean
- bishareen
- bismuthine
- bivoltine
- bohereen
- bombycine
- borazine
- bronzesheen
- bubaline
- cadalene
- cadinene
- calycine
- calymene
- camleteen
- camphorene
- canadine
- candareen
- carrageen
- carragheen
- carrotene
- carvestrene
- catarrhine
- cathartine
- cephaline
- cerberean
- cevadine
- chamoline
- chavicine
- chevaline
- chinidine
- chlorbenzene
- cholestene
- christophene
- chromammine
- chromogene
- cinchotine
- cinnamene
- cinnoline
- circumvene
- citroptene
- cleistogene
- clistogene
- cloacaline
- cobaltine
- codamine
- colamine
- colberteen
- colbertine
- colchiceine
- colophene
- colubrine
- comacine
- coniceine
- constantine
- copaline
- coralene
- coranine
- coryphene
- cosmoline
- crapaudine
- crotaphion
- crystosphene
- culicine
- cumidine
- cumulene
- curarine
- cusconine
- cuspidine
- cyclamine
- cycloalkene
- cyclodiene
- cymogene
- cytisine
- cytogene
- damaskeen
- damoclean
- decylene
- delphinine
- depakene
- diketene
- diphosgene
- diplosphene
- ditrochean
- dosithean
- ecophene
- elatine
- ephesine
- epigene
- ermiline
- erythrean
- esquiline
- estamene
- esurine
- etamine
- eudalene
- eupyrene
- eurobin
- exogene
- felibrean
- fescennine
- festucine
- fettucine
- filipin
- fillipeen
- fiorin
- flavanthrene
- florentine
- fluorothene
- formicine
- fuadin
- fumarine
- gadarene
- gasogene
- gazogene
- gephyrean
- gergesene
- geyserine
- go-between
- guanamine
- hallowe'en
- hammerstein
- harateen
- harmaline
- harrateen
- heptylene
- hexadiene
- hexylene
- hordenine
- hyposphene
- in-between
- indamine
- indoline
- inquiline
- intervein
- isophene
- jack-in-the-green
- jacks-in-the-green
- jicaquean
- josephine
- jugurthine
- kalsomine
- kawchottine
- keelivine
- ketazine
- kittereen
- lactoprene
- lamartine
- lambarene
- landgravine
- lardacein
- laudanine
- laurustine
- lemurine
- lepidine
- leptotene
- lichtenstein
- limacine
- limousin
- lupanine
- madrilene
- maeandrine
- maringouin
- maroquin
- matachine
- mathurine
- matutine
- mavourneen
- mazdakean
- melitene
- melongene
- membracine
- menthadiene
- mepazine
- mephitine
- mesitine
- messaline
- micoquean
- microfine
- microgreen
- microsthene
- milioline
- mimetene
- misdemean
- mise-en-scene
- mismachine
- mix-hellene
- monamine
- mondegreen
- monogene
- monoline
- mordisheen
- mortersheen
- mosetene
- multi-screen
- multiscreen
- muscadin
- muscatine
- myrmicine
- mytilene
- naphthacene
- naphthylene
- nemaline
- nicotin-
- nigrosin
- nitratine
- nonobscene
- nonylene
- nopinene
- norbertine
- norvaline
- nyctimene
- ocimene
- octylene
- olamine
- olivesheen
- orogene
- otarine
- overclean
- overween
- oxazine
- palmyrene
- palsgravine
- paludrine
- panomphean
- papyrine
- patarene
- patarine
- pavonine
- pellotine
- pentadiene
- pentylene
- percaline
- periclean
- philhellene
- philippine
- phlobaphene
- photogene
- phrenosin
- phthalazine
- pimanthrene
- piotine
- plasmagene
- plasmoquin
- plastiline
- plastogene
- platyctene
- plecotine
- polverine
- polygene
- polymethine
- pomarine
- porphyrean
- porphyrine
- post-nicene
- postcanine
- praenestine
- prehnitene
- prepontine
- pro-banthine
- prolamine
- propadiene
- propadrine
- protogene
- protriaene
- psychotrine
- pukateine
- purkinjean
- purpurine
- pyracene
- quebrachine
- quinamine
- quinicine
- re-convene
- reduncine
- regitine
- retinene
- rheadine
- rhigolene
- rhombogene
- ritodrine
- rogerene
- rogerine
- rosmarine
- rough-machine
- rubinstein
- sacaline
- sachaline
- safranine
- santalene
- satyrine
- saussurean
- scaloppine
- schizophrene
- scopoline
- seccotine
- semidine
- sepaline
- serotine
- servaline
- shaksperean
- silkolene
- silkoline
- socotrine
- sokotrine
- sophorine
- soricine
- spalacine
- squalamine
- squeaky-clean
- stachydrine
- stearoptene
- stentorine
- stibamine
- strepsitene
- streptamine
- subsaline
- subterrene
- sultanine
- superclean
- taborine
- tambourin
- tangerine
- tarrateen
- tectogene
- tehuelchean
- telescreen
- tendergreen
- terpadiene
- terpinene
- terrapene
- tetracene
- tetrammine
- tetrazene
- tetrazine
- thermoprene
- thiazine
- thioneine
- thylacine
- tichorrhine
- tigurine
- timaline
- tinamine
- tirolean
- tolylene
- tomatin
- transpontine
- trappistine
- tremorine
- triamine
- tricotine
- tricyclene
- tridecene
- trivoltine
- trochiline
- turmaline
- undergreen
- urazine
- ureylene
- vetivene
- voltairean
- volvocine
- vulturine
- wasserstein
- well-beseen
- x-protein
- xylylene
- zephyrean
- zygadene
- zygosphene
4 syllables
- acetylene
- adenosine
- amphetamine
- anthropocene
- antipyrine
- apomorphine
- apoprotein
- aquamarine
- arsphenamine
- azobenzene
- buprenorphine
- chlorobenzene
- chlorpromazine
- cimetidine
- cyclosporine
- diophantine
- dobutamine
- ergotamine
- ethylbenzene
- fetoprotein
- glucosamine
- glycoprotein
- hydralazine
- hyoscyamine
- hypoxanthine
- internecine
- labyrinthine
- methionine
- methylamine
- monoamine
- mujahideen
- naphthylamine
- newsmagazine
- novocain
- oligocene
- paleocene
- paleogene
- pentamidine
- pentazocine
- phentolamine
- phenylephrine
- phosphoprotein
- polystyrene
- promethazine
- propoxyphene
- pyrimidine
- ranitidine
- scopolamine
- theobromine
- toluidine
- acenaphthene
- alkylbenzene
- azaserine
- benzanthracene
- benzopyrene
- benzylamine
- bromobenzene
- butylamine
- canavanine
- cinchonidine
- cyclopentene
- cycloserine
- cysteamine
- dacarbazine
- deferoxamine
- didanosine
- ethionine
- ethylamine
- euryhaline
- fludarabine
- fluvoxamine
- hexosamine
- isobutene
- mechlorethamine
- mesitylene
- methenamine
- mucoprotein
- mujahedeen
- mujahedin
- nitrosamine
- octopamine
- oncoprotein
- paraprotein
- polylysine
- polyprotein
- procarbazine
- prochlorperazine
- propylamine
- pyrilamine
- quinoxaline
- rosaniline
- sapphirine
- selegiline
- terfenadine
- thioguanine
- trimethylene
- univoltine
- aberdavine
- abietene
- acalycine
- accipitrine
- adapalene
- adlumidine
- adulterine
- adventurine
- aeschynomene
- aigue-marine
- akuammine
- aldoketene
- alkylamine
- alloxantin
- alloxazine
- allylamine
- amaranthine
- aminazine
- anabasine
- anacanthine
- animikean
- anti-vaccine
- antiselene
- antivaccine
- arylamine
- atropatene
- autovaccine
- azoprotein
- baltimorean
- bansalaguin
- baudelairean
- bendamustine
- benzoylglycine
- bisabolene
- brimonidine
- cajeputene
- cajuputene
- calcipotriene
- calycanthine
- carbinamine
- carbylamine
- caulocaline
- cepharanthine
- chitosamine
- chloroamine
- chondriogene
- chondroprotein
- chondrosamine
- chromoprotein
- chrysaniline
- cinchonamine
- cinnabarine
- cobalamine
- coelacanthine
- columbamine
- conquinamine
- coregonine
- cryoprotein
- cuscohygrine
- cuskohygrine
- cyclazocine
- debrisoquin
- delawarean
- denicotine
- deserpidine
- desomorphine
- dialkylamine
- diamidine
- diarylamine
- dichotriaene
- diodoquin
- dominigene
- doxylamine
- elaeoptene
- elaphurine
- electroclean
- eleoptene
- elephantine
- empedoclean
- ergocornine
- erythrophleine
- esthiomene
- fer-de-moline
- fers-de-moline
- foetoprotein
- formamidine
- frontopontine
- geneserine
- gerrhonotine
- globigerine
- glucoprotein
- glyoxaline
- gossypetin
- haemocuprein
- haemoprotein
- half-evergreen
- halofantrine
- hemiramphine
- hemocuprein
- hemoprotein
- heterogene
- hexadecene
- hipponactean
- hippotigrine
- hyacinthine
- hyperleptene
- hypohippine
- hypophamine
- incarnadine
- isidorean
- isoamylene
- lactoprotein
- lanthionine
- laudanidine
- laudanosine
- lipovaccine
- longifolene
- lumefantrine
- lupetidine
- lycopodine
- mandelamine
- megamachine
- melolonthine
- metanephrine
- metaprotein
- metavoltine
- methdilazine
- methylbenzene
- methylpropene
- methylxanthine
- metocurine
- micromachine
- multivoltine
- nanomachine
- nematogene
- neurovaccine
- neutrophiline
- nigraniline
- nitraniline
- nitroamine
- nitrolamine
- nizatidine
- nonpasserine
- nornicotine
- oleoptene
- oligogene
- ophionine
- ortho-xylene
- orthotriaene
- para-xylene
- paracasein
- paradisean
- paraselene
- pelletierine
- pentamethine
- percesocine
- perhexiline
- phaseolunatin
- phenazocine
- phenetidine
- pheniprazine
- phenmetrazine
- phenmiazine
- phenoxazine
- phenylglycine
- phospholipin
- phyllocaline
- piperylene
- plurivoltine
- polybutene
- polyvoltine
- porphyrogene
- prevomerine
- propamidine
- pseudaconine
- pseudocumene
- pseudomorphine
- pseudouridine
- pycnonotine
- pyridazine
- quadrivoltine
- quebrachamine
- quinoidine
- rangiferine
- ranolazine
- retronecine
- rhadamanthine
- rhizocaline
- sabadinine
- schleswig-holstein
- scleroprotein
- scolopacine
- scolopendrine
- self-quarantine
- semimachine
- serioline
- solanidine
- solasonine
- stilbamidine
- sulphamethazine
- sym-allylene
- tabernanthine
- tallegalene
- terebenthene
- terebinthine
- thamnophiline
- thianaphthene
- thinking-machine
- thionaphthene
- thonzylamine
- thyroprotein
- toluylene
- toxiferine
- trichothecene
- tridecylene
- trimeprazine
- triphenylene
- trochilidine
- tromethamine
- trypaflavine
- tubinarine
- tyrocidine
- vinylbenzene
- vireonine
- vitellogene
- xenacanthine
- xenophontine
- zalcitabine
- zygadenine
5 syllables
- antisubmarine
- catecholamine
- dichlorobenzene
- dimethylamine
- diphenylamine
- ethanolamine
- hydroxylamine
- isobutylene
- mercaptopurine
- nucleoprotein
- penicillamine
- phenothiazine
- phenylalanine
- phenylhydrazine
- polybutadiene
- polyethylene
- polypropylene
- pyrimethamine
- sulfadiazine
- thioridazine
- triethylamine
- trimethylamine
- tubocurarine
- acepromazine
- cardiolipin
- caryophyllene
- cephaloridine
- cyclopentadiene
- dibenzanthracene
- diethanolamine
- diethylamine
- dinitrobenzene
- divinylbenzene
- fexofenadine
- galactosamine
- hexachlorophene
- hexamethylene
- iodobenzene
- mecamylamine
- methylaniline
- methylnaphthalene
- nitroaniline
- phosphocreatine
- polybutylene
- polychloroprene
- polyisoprene
- polymethylene
- pyridoxamine
- sulfamethazine
- sulphadiazine
- trichlorethylene
- trifluoperazine
- trinitrobenzene
- acenaphthylene
- acetamidine
- acetomorphine
- acetopyrine
- acetylglycine
- acipenserine
- alacreatine
- alkanolamine
- alkylolamine
- anti-leukotriene
- anti-oncogene
- anti-submarine
- antileukotriene
- arsenobenzene
- azacitidine
- azoxybenzene
- benzoapyrene
- benzopurpurine
- benzothiophene
- benzylpiperazine
- beta-carotene
- chryselephantine
- chrysomonadine
- clinohypersthene
- corytuberine
- cyanobenzene
- dexamphetamine
- diisobutylene
- dimethylbenzene
- dipicrylamine
- erythrodextrine
- ethylstibamine
- fluviomarine
- glycocyamine
- glyoxalidine
- hemimellitene
- hepatocuprein
- heteroxanthine
- holohyaline
- hydrazobenzene
- hydrocinchonine
- hydroxybenzene
- hypohyaline
- idoxuridine
- indaconitine
- indoleamine
- infusorigene
- interlacustrine
- iodocasein
- iodoprotein
- isometheptene
- lecithoprotein
- levamfetamine
- mephistophelean
- mesoridazine
- metalloprotein
- methaphenilene
- methapyrilene
- methscopolamine
- metopimazine
- molenbeek-saint-jean
- monocrotaline
- myrmecobiine
- nectocalycine
- nitrogelatine
- nitroguanidine
- nitronaphthalene
- nitrosoamine
- normetanephrine
- oligopyrene
- orthotolidine
- oxophenarsine
- oxotremorine
- oxychlorosene
- p-dichlorobenzene
- paradiazine
- pentamethylene
- perchlorethylene
- phendimetrazine
- phenethylamine
- phenosafranine
- phenylethylene
- propiomazine
- proto-oncogene
- protoveratrine
- pseudaconitine
- pseudocumidine
- pyribenzamine
- rhinocerotine
- semievergreen
- sulfaguanidine
- sulfamezathine
- sulfapyrazine
- sulfarsphenamine
- sulphaguanidine
- sulphamerazine
- sulphamezathine
- sulpharsphenamine
- tetrabenazine
- tetramethylene
- thiosinamine
- triconodontine
- triflupromazine
- trimethylbenzene
- trinitroxylene
- tripelennamine
- triphenylamine
- zoxazolamine
6 syllables
- apolipoprotein
- dimethylaniline
- hydroxytryptamine
- metallothionein
- oxyacetylene
- phenoxybenzamine
- phosphatidylserine
- trichloroethylene
- triethanolamine
- cyclohexylamine
- dextroamphetamine
- dihydroergotamine
- dimethylhydrazine
- glaciolacustrine
- neoarsphenamine
- nitrosoguanidine
- perchloroethylene
- phenylethylamine
- alpha-fetoprotein
- alpha-foetoprotein
- alpha-hypophamine
- alpha-lipoprotein
- archididascaline
- azidothymidine
- bacterioprotein
- beta-hypophamine
- beta-lipoprotein
- cap-de-la-madeleine
- cyanoguanidine
- cyclooctatetraene
- dextropropoxyphene
- dicyclopentadiene
- dihydroergocornine
- diketopiperazine
- dimethyltryptamine
- diphenylguanidine
- ethylacetylene
- fluviolacustrine
- iodosobenzene
- iodoxybenzene
- isoalloxazine
- isopelletierine
- keratohyaline
- levmetamfetamine
- levopropoxyphene
- lisdexamfetamine
- metalloflavoprotein
- methotrimeprazine
- methylacetylene
- methylamphetamine
- methylhexaneamine
- monochlorobenzene
- monoethylamine
- monomethylamine
- n-allylnormorphine
- novarsenobenzene
- nucleoprotamine
- ostariophysine
- oxyphencyclimine
- pararosaniline
- phalacrocoracine
- pseudohyoscyamine
- pseudopelletierine
- saint-ignatius's-bean
- sialoglycoprotein
- streptobiosamine
- sulfapyrimidine
- sulfaquinoxaline
- sulphaquinoxaline
- tetrahydrobenzene
- trimethylethylene
- trioxymethylene
- tuberculoprotein
- vinylacetylene
7 syllables
- phenylpropanolamine
- ribonucleoprotein
- tetrachloroethylene
- diethylcarbamazine
- dimethylnitrosamine
- monoethanolamine
- paradichlorobenzene
- polyisobutylene
- polyoxymethylene
- selenomethionine
- tetrafluoroethylene
- aminoazobenzene
- cyanocobalamine
- decahydronaphthalene
- dideoxyinosine
- dimethylacetylene
- dimethylbenzanthracene
- divinylacetylene
- hydroxyamphetamine
- orthodichlorobenzene
- para-nitroaniline
- sulfanilylguanidine
- sulphanilylguanidine
- tetrahydronaphthalene
- tetranitroaniline
- thiodiphenylamine